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Everything you need to know about P-Secure and automated background checks.
What is P-Secure?
P-Secure (often written as Psecure) is a platform for handling automated background checks, including verifying identity, résumé, criminal record, and more. P-Secure helps companies and organizations streamline and automate background checks on both new and existing employees.
How does P-Secure do identity checks?
P-Secure basically uses E-ID (e.g. MiTiD) for identity verification. In cases where an applicant does not have E-ID, passports are used as verification. P-Secure verify information from E-ID and passport with public records, including the CPR register.
How does P-Secure do CV checks?
P-Secure uses public and verified income and pension information to autogenerate a CV complete with detailed information about companies, if it is a Danish company. The CV check is available in a version adapted to the special requirements for CV checks for airports and air harbor suppliers that comply with the Swedish Transport Agency's requirements for “extended background checks”
How does P-Secure conduct criminal record checks?
P-Secure automatically performs an analysis of the content and text of the uploaded criminal record, including whether the certificate is clean. P-Secure detects any tampering attempts using advanced document analysis and at the same time correlates name and social security number with information from personal data files.
How does P-Secure carry out passport and driver's license checks?
P-Secure can automatically read passport and driver's license photos and pull all relevant information from the document, including name, social security number, expiration date, citizenship, driver's license categories, etc. Where possible, these will be cross-checked with information from public records, including the CPR register.
How does P-Secure check references?
The applicant will be asked to provide a number of references as part of the background check. The number is defined by the company. The applicant indicates the name, position and e-mail of the reference, which then receives an autogenerated e-mail with a link that leads to a portal where the reference is asked to confirm or deny the employment relationship. There is also the option to attach a comment to the employment relationship and indicate whether one wishes to be contacted or not. The email that the reference receives can be set up to be sent from the company's own email address to ensure that it does not look like spam or a phishing attempt.
Does P-Secure comply with GDPR?
Yes. All information is collected with the applicant's own consent and processed and stored in accordance with GDPR. The applicant will always be informed about exactly what information is collected and processed, as the applicant himself is an active part of the background check and is guided through the individual parts step by step. No information is obtained which cannot be justified in relation to an employment relationship and the type of screening can be adapted to the individual position or function in order to comply with the principles of proportionality.

Easy deletion rules can be set up for cases so that they are not kept longer than necessary and an applicant can always request to have his or her information corrected or deleted.
Does P-Secure screen on social media?
No. P-Secure does not screen social media. The quality of an automated social media screening will be highly fluctuating. P-Secure is based on verified and public or open data sources. In addition, social media screening may seem very cross-border to many and it will be very difficult to define unambiguous and objective parameters for such screening. However, P-Secure may carry out a manual and individual analysis and assessment of a person's vulnerability and relationships by special agreement with the customer and with the consent of the data subject.
How many screenings can I do per month?
How many screenings you can do in a month or a year depends on the subscription you choose.
Does P-Secure make the assessment of whether a person can be authenticated or not?
No. P-Secure has chosen to follow the instructions of the upcoming EU Regulation on the use of AI/Artificial Intelligence, which is expected to enter into force in 2026. As a result, AI is not allowed to make automated decisions, such as endorsements or rejections of candidates. Instead, P-Secure provides an easy and transparent decision-making base for the company. One can approve or reject individual points of attention and, on that basis, approve or reject a candidate.
Is a background screening the same as a security clearance and can P-Secure do security clearances?
P-Secure cannot perform security clearances. Only PET and FE are authorised in Denmark for these approvals. However, it is very limited who needs a security clearance and the two concepts are often confused.
Are there any requirements for background checks on employees and applicants?
If your company or organisation is characterised as critical infrastructure, it is an EU requirement that you conduct background checks on people performing sensitive tasks or are authorised to gain direct or remote access to company premises, information or control systems. In addition, specific regulatory requirements exist for certain industries, for example on enhanced background checks for airport employees and airport suppliers.
Can you create your own screening criteria?
Yes. An unlimited number of “screening types” can be created. On a screening type, it can be set which categories an applicant needs to be checked for (e.g. CV and criminal record). These can be freely switched on and off and specific requirements can be set for each category.

P-Secure can develop special solutions for your company if you need to search for special or own data sources. In addition, P-Secure has a “hot list” function. With this feature, your company can create lists with words or text. These may include lists of competing or blacklisted companies or the like. P-Secure will search all information from the applicant and if there is a match, you will receive a notification.
Can P-Secure be integrated into our HR system?
Yes. After integration, information from applicants can be transferred directly to your HR system.

P-Secure also has an API generator so that your company can connect to your HR system itself so that cases can be created from here.
Does P-Secure log user activity?
Yes. There will be an elaborate log for all cases, including who has seen a case and made assessments on a case.
Why do background checks need to be done?
Background checks on applicants and employees are an important process that can help employers make more informed hiring decisions and reduce the risk of workplace injury.
Can P-Secure make a report after the end of the screening?
Yes. P-Secure can autogenerate a report with all screening results, including how you as a company have assessed the individual points of attention. This can serve as future documentation and as evidence of completed background investigation.
Is P-Secure on the SKI deal?
Yes. Public customers can acquire P-Secure via SKI 02.05 (standard software) through our partner VENZO A/S. The agreement can be used for the purchase of: Standard software (defined as software that is prefabricated and commercially available) as well as support and maintenance agreements for the above-mentioned standard software.

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