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Successful development process with Dansk Erhverv and CenSec

On Thursday 21st of March, members of Dansk Erhverv's Defence Network and CenSec were invited to Børsen. At the meeting, P-Secure presented our latest new features, which have been developed over the past 3 months.
Inside an empty cafe with tables and chairs
Julie Bak Larsen from Bird & Bird

Julie Bak-Larsen from the law firm Bird & Bird gave a good briefing on the EU's Critical Entities Resilience Directive (EU) to be implemented in Denmark within a very short time. Among other things, the CER Directive requires background screening of employees and suppliers of critical infrastructure.

Thomas reviewed the use of criminal records in background investigations, including the requirement of proportionality and what special requirements of matter-of-factness must be made in the various industries. P-Secure will incorporate all of these industry-specific requirements into our standard software in the near future to relieve corporate HR and legal departments.

We thank all participants in the process for their valuable input and cooperation. In the coming months, P-Secure will focus on developing tailored solutions that meet the specific needs of the Energy and Transportation sector.

Background of the project  

Many companies and research institutions are experiencing an increased need for — and an increased expectation of — background screening of applicants and employees, both for general security and IP and brand protection reasons, but also due to the forthcoming EU CER Directive.

For most companies, conducting background checks will require several manual work procedures and thus the use of significant resources, both temporal and financial. Many companies will therefore find that they do not have the professional prerequisites and time and financial resources to carry out the necessary background checks.

It will also be a comprehensive task to cope with a subsequent audit, including compliance with the GDPR rules on the storage of personal data, etc. In isolation, this will be a large and resource-intensive task for individual companies and for the respective sectors. Therefore, a simple and user-friendly solution like P-Secures will give Danish companies a comparative advantage over many other European companies and at the same time ensure that Danish companies comply with EU directives. In this way, Danish companies become preferred and more competitive.

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